I Cried Watching Parks & Recreation
/Greetings! I am writing from the Holy Land! I’m a few days into my Israel trip where I have learned so much about myself and the region. (Posts about this to come later). This post is about a show I loved a few years ago, but have since changed my perspective on. Don’t get me wrong—I still love Parks and Rec, but I never really looked at through a personal lens.
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I turned 25 years old this month, and it has been a journey getting here. Scientifically, your brain is supposed to be fully developed at 25, so I guess there is no longer an excuse for being a knucklehead anymore. But the truth is, I still feel 12 years old—unsure of myself, worried about making friends, and fighting off acne on my forehead. All of those challenges remain, except now I have a light bill to pay too.