I Cried Watching Parks & Recreation
/Photo: John-Mark Smith
Greetings! I am writing from the Holy Land! I’m a few days into my Israel trip where I have learned so much about myself and the region. (Posts about this to come later).
This post is about a show I loved a few years ago, but have since changed my perspective on. Don’t get me wrong—I still love Parks and Rec, but my personal journey this year has me looking at it through a different lens. The other day, I was watching Parks and Rec before bed just like any other night. I laughed as Leslie gathered the gang to finish out her campaign for city councilwoman. I frowned as she went through the typical sexism female politicians go through. I laughed as she committed faux pas after faux pas. One part of the episode in particular made an impact on me. Again, I had seen this scene before, but my growth as a person this year made me view it with new eyes. The scene shows Leslie going into the voting booth to vote for herself for the first time. As she puts a dot next to her name, she begins to cry. I began to cry as well. (A lot actually) I’m still not fully sure why. Maybe it’s because there is a history of sexism in the world, especially in the political arena. Or maybe it’s because I know what it feels like to really doubt yourself. To hear people telling you that you’re not smart or likable enough. I have fought through these insecurities so much this past year. And while I haven’t won every battle, I know I will win the war.
This isn’t a full review, but I really encourage you to watch Parks and Rec on Netflix if you can. I hope you would have already and if you have seen it already, pick it up again. When you get past all the humor, it’s a show about a woman who really wants to make the world a better place and has an optimistic view of the world even when others tell her those dreams are impossible. Personally, I relate to this narrative so much. The show is really inspirational and fitting for any ambitious woman.
I hope one day to get a moment like the one Leslie had. Maybe not the exact same moment, but one where I am so overwhelmed by my own strength. Where I can look around and say, “not only did I bust the door down, I also took a seat at the table”. I wish this for you as well, Fearless Lady!
P.S. If finding your own strength is still a challenge for you, I HIGHLY recommend you watch “A Call to Courage with Brene Brown” on Netflix. I promise you won’t regret it!
Let me know in the comments what you do when others doubt you. How do you encourage yourself?