My 2020 and On Goals
/Real nice pic i took while headed to do some shopping!
Alright disclaimer: I’m not a huge fan of new years’ resolutions. I think they’re kind of a scam and set you up to fail. I believe in goal setting throughout the year and not during just one particular month. With that being said, this post was requested on my Instagram story and I want to share with y’all some things I have been working on/ am still working on throughout the year and years to come. Here we go….
1. Practice sustainable fashion
So, this year I am going to start thrifting more. I LOVE clothes, but while I was packing up my clothes from college, I started to realize that I was only wearing around 25% of my wardrobe. That’s pretty bad. I’ve especially felt this now that I’m abroad and I’m successfully existing on maybe 10-15 outfits (not as bad as I thought it would be). As long as you invest in a few great pieces that can be worn in different ways, there’s really no need for 50 different blouses. So, when I get back to my full closet, I am going to donate all the pieces I don’t wear consistently and buy mostly secondhand. I’m only going to buy new clothes if I am looking for something specific for a specific event (and even this might be cut down). Plus, thrifted fashion is totally fashionable while being affordable. (Already started using ThredUp and I’m pretty excited!)
2. Be consistent with exercise and no more crash diets
It’s taken me quite a while to feel comfortable in my own skin, and frankly, there are still some days that I’m not feeling it. I’ve really come to understand that EVERYONE feels this way—even super thin people, who are the picture of societal beauty. Once you realize that no one loves their body, you start to cut yourself some slack. Instead of trying to look like someone else, I’m going to focus on looking like a better me. In the past, I’ve definitely skipped a meal or gone sugar-free just to fit in a dress for one party. I really want to cut down on this behavior and incorporate healthier choices throughout the year—not just two weeks out of every month. I have a yoga studio subscription and it’s actually been really cool to do something just for me and my body. If you don’t want to buy a subscription, look into running or exercises on YouTube. Getting fit can be a free endeavor these days. (Let me know if you want to see some healthy recipes on the blog.)
3. Read 12 books this year
Because of my major, I read A LOT and it has caused me to not find reading enjoyable anymore. This is especially ironic since my love of reading is what prompted me to choose my major. As a writer, though, I have found my ability to be declining due to my lack of reading. Plus, I truly believe that the best and brightest read on a consistent basis. After receiving some really interesting books for Christmas, I decided to make it my goal to read a book a month. Nothing too overwhelming, but still a challenge based on what I normally do. (Thinking about posting some reviews of the books. Let me know if interested.)
4. Journal more
Notice I didn’t say every day. Personally, I find journaling every day to be a bit much. Unless you’re Oprah, I’m not sure if you’ll have something to fill every page. I write based on feelings. Some days I really need to get my feelings out on a page and not out in the open. In the past, I journaled maybe once every two weeks and if that’s what works for you-- go for it. Personally, I can think of some situations when I should have journaled instead of spilling my guts to someone else. Some thoughts need to be shared, but some don’t and this year is about finding that balance.
5. More teatime!
Maybe you’re not a tea fanatic like me, but this goal can be personalized for sure. More teatime for me means more relaxation time doing something that brings me joy and makes me feel dainty. Whatever easy activity gives you the warm and fuzzies—do more of that this year! I feel so special when I buy my favorite pastry and consume it with a side of warm tea. I don’t know why, but it just makes me incredibly happy and this year I want to do things that make ME happy.
6. Do one cultural thing a month
This could be going to the movies, going to see a play at a community theater, going to a poetry slam, or trying new cuisine. This year I want to focus on the fact that the world is so much bigger than me. I find that going to plays or trying new foods takes me out of my own head. I always feel so enriched after. Bring a friend along or don’t! The first time I went to see a movie by myself was an incredible experience (no exaggeration). I felt like such an independent woman because I didn’t have to wait for friends to do what I wanted to do. This year don’t let your fear stop you from doing what you want to do.
7. More community service!
Similar to the previous point, it’s so easy to have a “woe is me” attitude these days. I think it’s important to do things for others and get your mind off of yourself. God calls us to serve others and I think if you prioritize this, you’ll be surprised at how much you change.
I have many more goals for this year including:
· Be more consistent with the blog
· Set aside some prayer time every day
· Make my bed every morning
· Buy more plants
· Practice my French for an hour a day
· Study for the LSAT
· Go to a music festival
· Listen to at least one podcast a week
The important thing to remember is that unless you’re a superhuman, you will completely fail if you try to tackle all your goals at once. The key to turning your goals into habits is to introduce them slowly. Once I feel like I am practicing two of my goals consistently, then I will introduce two more. And before you start any of your goals, PRAY OVER THEM. Humans are soooooo weak and unless we ask for help, we will fold every time. Pray over your goals and ask God to help you achieve them. I’m excited to see all of you introducing new habits into your life with God’s blessing! Put some of your 2020 and on goals in the comments section below! God bless!